
woensdag 16 september 2015

Little fun things about me!

This blog is very personal to me and many blogpost will contain serious feelings, work and experiences. But how would you really get to know me If I only was so serious? In fact, I am a big child who's in love with laughter and joy. So I made a list of questions to myself just so I can show a little of who I am. Ah, I'm so in the mood for this!

name                                                              Tineke De Waele
age                                                                 23
birthday                                                      June first 1992
country                                                         little Belgium
pets                                                               two cats, two bunnies, three ducks, seven chickens and a                                                                                                                            lot of fluffy spiders in my home.
something that makes me sad                 Losing Wulle, my bunny. I loved that ball of fluff so much...
something that makes me happy             candles, chocolate, hugs, bunnies, art and my love
life goal                                                     becoming an old and wise woman who tells magical tales and who is an inspiration to others
weakness                                                       white chocolate with pralinĂ© in it. And cuddles. And not being able to keep my room mess-                                                                           free
photography inspiration                          Nirrimi Joy Firebrace. This girl is magical and my all time greatest inspiration. Not only in                                                                           photography, but also in life.
mood right now                                            autumny! Time for woolen socks, sweaters, fireplaces, hot chocolate, candles, storytelling                                                                         and journal writing
something I am looking forward to      having children. Breastfeed them as I fondle them to sleep, carrying them in a tula, taking                                                                           care of them, loving them and being their mama.
a place I want to visit                         England! If I'd had to move out of the country I would probably even live there. And Ireland.
something I've always wanted to do but never did making videos and even having a youtube channel. I envy those who are                                                                             brave enough. I would talk about photography, make tutorials and talk about life!                                                                                       Someday, maybe...
tattoos                                                          not right now, but I am planning on getting one
piercings                                                      a little ring in my nose. I got if from T, my love, and I love it!
something I can't live without            my camera, my journal, children and art
my first memory                                          I don't know if it's my first, but I was sitting in a public pool. I was little, very little and I                                                                             was waiting for my dad to come get me. Fun fact: I was sitting under water. A boy pushed                                                                           me down a slide and I fell into the water. I remember peacefully watching the surface, not                                                                         panicking at all. Then I felt my fathers hands picking me up. It took him a while because he                                                                         was going on the big slide to help me come off since I was scared to.
how would I describe myself                  intorvert in some ways, playful, trying to see beauty everywhere (ah, another life goal),                                                                             chocolate loving
random fact                                                  I used to be a potterhead, and I still am, only with less intensity

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Prachtig Tinneke, mogen al je hartewensen realiteit worden , stop nooit met dromen mooi mensje ! Knuf, Patty
